If you don’t know my story…about how I hated the way my skin looked and how embarrassed I felt - check out here, you probably have a story of your own.
That day when you woke up and you noticed someone a bit different looking staring back at you in the mirror.
We all go through it.
The appearance of aging on our skin sucks, you know what I mean – lines, wrinkles, sagging, dry, dull skin, yup it all sucks, and I had them all.
So, what’s a girl to do you ask?
I got you!
1. NEVER sleep in makeup – your skin regenerates at night, clogged pores can stop this process and hold in dirt, bacteria and toxins
2. Drink your water – hydrated skin is happy skin
3. Oil cleanse – this won’t strip the delicate barrier on the skin
4. Exfoliate once or twice a week depending on skin sensitivity – exfoliating plumps up wrinkles and supports the formation of collagen (yes, please!)
5. NEVER use soap – it’s way too drying!
6. Nourish skin with weekly facials – always show your skin love to keep your dewy glow.
I had all the signs of aging, they made me feel ugly and uncomfortable in my own skin, I felt like people were looking at me in that judgey “what’s with her skin” kind of way.
When I followed the above steps, my skin started to change within a few weeks, and I haven’t looked back since.