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Donna J

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: And How to Change That

As we approach the end of the year, many of us are starting to think about our New Year’s resolutions. We tell ourselves that this will be the year we finally get fit, eat healthy, and achieve our goals. But if you’re like most people, you know the harsh reality: these resolutions often fall flat before January even ends.


Why New Years Resolutions Don't Work - The Cycle of Broken Resolutions
The Cycle of Broken Resolutions

Every January, gyms are packed, and health food stores see a surge in sales. But by mid-February, the excitement has worn off, and many have abandoned their plans altogether.

Here’s why New Year’s resolutions typically don’t work:


Lack of Specificity
New Years Resolutions Fail Because of Lake of Specificity

Resolutions like “get fit” or “eat healthier” are vague. Without specific, measurable goals, it’s easy to lose focus and direction.


Overwhelming Pressure
The New Year Comes with Overwhelming Pressure to Change

The New Year comes with high expectations and pressure to change everything at once. This can lead to burnout before the end of the month.


All-or-Nothing Mentality
The All or Nothing Mentality Causes Us To Fail

Many people believe they need to make drastic changes to see results. This mindset leads to frustration and ultimately gives way to old habits when they don’t see immediate success.


Social Comparison
We Compare Ourselves to Others Creating a Cycle of Disappointment

When you see others posting about their resolutions and goals, it can make you feel like you’re falling behind. This can create a cycle of disappointment and discouragement.


Lack of Support
Never Tackle Your New Years Resolutions Alone

Often, people try to tackle their resolutions alone. Without a support system or accountability, it’s easy to stray off course.


Break the Cycle with the Resolution Reboot Program
Break the New Years Failure Cycle

So, how do you avoid becoming another statistic?

How do you break free from the cycle of unfulfilled resolutions?

The answer lies in starting early and taking a strategic approach.


Introducing the Resolution Reboot – Crush Your Goals Before 2025
Resolution Reboot - Crush Your Goals Before 2025

This program is designed to provide you with the tools and support you need to achieve one specific, realistic goal before the year ends.


Here’s What You Can Expect from Resolution Reboot
Join Resolution Reboot!


Set Realistic, Achievable Goals
Set Realistic, Achievable Wellness Goal

Together, we’ll identify one specific, achievable wellness goal that you can realistically accomplish before the end of the year. This is about creating sustainable change, not unrealistic expectations.


Ongoing Accountability and Support
Accountability is the Key to Successfully Accomplishing Your New Years Goals

You’re not doing this alone. While others are just starting to think about their resolutions, you’ll have my guidance and support, helping you stay focused on your goal.


Avoid Holiday Weight Gain & Burnout
Avoid Holiday Weight Gain and Burnout

Instead of feeling drained and heavier by the time January rolls around, you’ll finish the year feeling energized and ready to tackle 2025.


Program Details for Resolution Reboot
Resolution Reboot: Crush Your Goals Before 2025!


Five 30-minute coaching sessions to stay on track

Unlimited texting via Voxer for questions and support

Course correction as needed to keep you focused on your goal


Limited Spots Available!
Join Resolution Reboot Today!

Join now to receive:

  • Nourish: The Resolution Reboot Cookbook. A collection of recipes designed to transform your holiday favorites into healthy, nourishing dishes to support your wellness goals ($25.00 value)

  • Holiday Stress-Busting Tips.  This is your guide to practical strategies to reclaim your peace of mind and enjoy the festivities while for managing stress, prioritizing self-care, and creating a more joyful holiday experience

  • 1 FREE ticket to my How NOT to Gain Weight This Holiday Season Workshop

With only 10 seats available, you’ll want to act fast to ensure you don’t miss out.


Final Thoughts on New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions Don't Work, Start Early, End Strong


Don’t fall into the trap of unfulfilled resolutions. This year, break the cycle and take charge of your health and goals before the New Year. Join the Resolution Reboot and lay the groundwork for lasting success.


Ready to get started?


Sign Up Now!



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